Tuesday, January 18, 2011

No way.

For a little girl to go from this:

to this:

must completely be the fault of awful parents, right? I am sure a few grandparents agree. It can't be because someone was throwing a major F-I-T about broccoli. No way. Impossible.

And, as a result, a teary Anderson offered up his dessert for Kyndall because he thought that she should get some even though the awful parents said no . . . and Connor offered to eat her serving for her so that it wouldn't go to waste. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

Glad that at least I get to be an awful parent with YOU! Gotta love her!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Stick to your guns Mommy and Daddy!

Tina said...

love it! you guys have THE CUTEST kids!

Melanie said...
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Alli said...

I love it that the boys are willing to take the hit for her. She is going to have all of you wrapped around her cute little finger :)

don't worry, bee happy said...

my daughter was the SAME WAY about broccoli!! we talked about how COOL eating broccoli was because it's like eating a little tree!! WOO HOO (wouldn't excite me, but definitely excited the 3 year old!) now her favorite snack food is broccoli. go figure! :) maybe it'll work for you too, hahah.