A. Connor got bored last night, found a Sharpie and wrote on his siblings.
B. Anderson got bored last night, found a Sharpie and wrote on Kyndall and himself.
C. Kyndall got bored last night, found a Sharpie and wrote on herself and Anderson.
D. Dad got bored last night, found a Sharpie and wrote on Kyndall and Anderson.
Hint: When in doubt, always pick C.
OH MY!!!
Doesn't the poor baby look tired after such an eventful night?!?!
Andy was almost in tears when he saw himself.
Kyndall had a yucky nose and cough last night. Jon brought her downstairs to sleep on the floor with him. Anderson got up too . . . and fell asleep next to Kyndall. With everyone snug, Jon fell asleep. But . . . Kyndall must have had a burst of energy! She found my basket with Connor's sight word book and my Sharpie for writing the cards in the dark and started getting creative. I am actually thankful that only people (and one pair of pajamas) were marked on. Oh my! My mind went crazy thinking about the walls, floor, sofa . . . AHHHH! Jon woke up when she started marking on him at about 2:30am. So funny! He had black little scribbles on his chin when he told me this story. Andy didn't wake up till the morning. What a surprise in the mirror he had!
Connor was bummed that he missed out on the events of the night. Go figure!