Saturday, November 6, 2010


Anderson David is FIVE.

A whole hand of fingers. Old enough for Kindergarten next year. Officially in the big boy clothes at the store. Able to write sweet notes and leave them on a pillow. But still my little boy!

We celebrated LEGO STAR WARS style with family last night. And, of course, Aunt Jen created an AMAZING cake AND cupcakes. So super talented she is!!!!

Presents for one lucky kid! His comments were classic "Andy". (Oh, and Connor was working on wiggling a tooth all night . . . somehow every picture of him has his hands in his mouth. Yuck.)

Played R2-D2 in TROUBLE with cousins. I honestly didn't remember how frustrating that game can be. Thankfully they all worked through it and really stuck it out until it got too late.

Then, today on his actual birthday, he wanted to build at Home Depot, eat his free birthday donuts at Krispy Kreme and put together a new lego set with Connor.

Happy Birthday, Andy-boy! You are my constant reminder that God knows exactly what we need! So thankful for you, Anderson!!!

1 comment:

Alli said...

You sure do have super cute kids Amanda!